Innovation Benchmarking for CISER a Brasilian fastner Business

Project Title: Realization of an Innovation Benchmarking within the European fastener market and development of an innovation roadmap
Client: Ciser Fasteners (Brazil)

Ciser is one of the leading Brazilian companies in the production and distribution of fasteners (screws and others). It has a production capacity of 6,000 tons/month and 27,000 products grouped into 436 lines to supply 20,000 customers in over 20 countries.
On behalf of CISER, CCIS developed an innovation benchmarking to support CISER in developing innovative solutions for its customers and to be competitive and marketable in the future. The innovation benchmarking comprises an analysis of current trends in the fields of materials, technologies, products, services, marketing and business models in the fastener industry of Europe. The aim is to optimize the market strength and competitiveness of CISER and make it fit for the future. Therefore, the benchmarking results were discussed in an innovation workshop. During the workshop all developed ideas were set in an innovation roadmap, so the ideas can be realized step by step in different projects.